Export to Google Sheets

How to export your bookmarks and likes to Google Sheets



In this video, we're going to discuss how to export your bookmarks from Dewey into Google Sheets. First, you need to go into settings, then into Integrations, and make sure that you've authorized the send bookmarks to Google Sheets. This process involves a pop-up from Google asking you to sign in to your Google account if you aren't already signed in. Once you do that, it will ask you to authorize the integration. After this, nothing appears to have happened, but the crucial step of connecting Google to Dewey is complete, although no bookmarks have been sent yet.

Once the authorization is complete, go back to your Dewey feed and select whichever bookmarks you want to send to Google. Click the export button that appears in the top bar. If you've done the authorization correctly, you'll see that the option to export to Google Sheets is now available. When you hit that, a notice will appear at the bottom indicating that your Google sheet was created, though it might take a few minutes to populate.

Next, go into your Google Drive, and you should see the Google Sheets with the bookmarks you sent over. In this demonstration, I've only sent over three bookmarks for clarity, but in practice, I have over 6,000 bookmarks. If you have a large number, like tens of thousands, it might take a bit longer, but the process works the same way. It will bring in all the different columns and rows that correspond to the bookmarks and all of the metadata, including the tweet date, the posted by date, the profile of the author, the content itself, the tweet URL, and any tags or notes you've added, as well as links to the media files. These media files, such as images and videos associated with the bookmark, are hosted on Dewey servers and are always available to you. This is one way to pull the media files out, and another way would be to use our export media option, which we cover in a separate video.

Sync Twitter Bookmarks to Notion