
How To Build a Thought Leadership Strategy with LinkedIn Saved Posts

Build your LinkedIn thought leadership with saved posts and curation tools. Get tips to organize, curate, and share content to boost your professional reputation and influence.

How To Build a Thought Leadership Strategy with LinkedIn Saved Posts

In today's digital age, establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry is more crucial than ever. Thought leadership goes beyond mere expertise; it's about consistently delivering valuable insights that shape industry conversations and influence decision-makers. LinkedIn, as the world's largest professional network, offers an unparalleled platform for building and showcasing thought leadership. But how can you effectively leverage this platform to position yourself as a go-to authority in your field?

Thought leadership is the act of positioning oneself or one's organization as an authoritative voice within a specific industry or niche. It involves sharing original ideas and innovative perspectives, providing actionable insights based on deep industry knowledge, anticipating trends and addressing future challenges, and inspiring and influencing others through content and engagement.

LinkedIn offers unique advantages for thought leaders, including direct access to a professional audience, the ability to reach decision-makers across industries, platform features designed for long-form content and meaningful discussions, and opportunities for networking and collaboration with other industry leaders. By establishing thought leadership on LinkedIn, you can enhance your personal brand and professional reputation, attract career opportunities and business partnerships, drive engagement and grow your network, and influence industry trends and conversations.

While creating original content is crucial for thought leadership, it's equally important to stay informed about industry trends and engage with others' ideas. This is where LinkedIn Saved Posts and content curation tools come into play. These features and tools allow you to collect and organize valuable content from across your network, stay up-to-date with the latest industry discussions, find inspiration for your own content creation, and curate and share high-quality content with your audience.

In this article, we'll explore how to effectively use LinkedIn Saved Posts and various curation tools to build a robust thought leadership strategy. From organizing your saved content to leveraging it for creating original insights, we'll provide you with actionable steps to establish yourself as a thought leader on LinkedIn.

Understanding LinkedIn Saved Posts

LinkedIn Saved Posts is a powerful feature that allows users to bookmark and organize content for later reference. This tool is invaluable for professionals looking to curate relevant industry information and build their thought leadership strategy.

For instance, imagine you're attending a virtual conference and come across a series of insightful posts from industry leaders. By saving these posts, you can revisit them later, extract valuable insights, and even share them with your network. This not only helps in staying informed but also in building a repository of high-quality content that can be referenced for future content creation.

Saving posts on LinkedIn is a straightforward process. On a desktop, you simply click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post you want to save, and select "Save." On mobile, you tap on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post and select "Save." Once saved, you can organize these posts into collections. LinkedIn allows you to categorize your saved posts into collections, making it easier to find and manage your content. For example, you could have collections for topics like "Industry Trends," "Leadership Insights," and "Innovative Ideas."

Using LinkedIn Saved Posts offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides easy access to valuable content, allowing you to quickly retrieve important posts without scrolling through your feed. Secondly, it helps in organizing content for research, enabling you to categorize posts to streamline your research process. Thirdly, it serves as a source of inspiration for content creation, as you can use saved posts as a starting point for your own content ideas.

However, while LinkedIn Saved Posts is a useful tool, it has some limitations. For instance, it does not offer offline access, meaning you need an internet connection to access your saved posts. Additionally, the collections feature is relatively simple and lacks advanced organizational features. To overcome these limitations, consider using additional curation tools that offer offline access and more robust organization options.

Leveraging LinkedIn Saved Posts for Thought Leadership

Saved Posts can be a goldmine for aspiring thought leaders. By strategically using this feature, you can stay informed, find inspiration, and create more valuable content for your audience. For instance, a marketing professional might save posts related to the latest digital marketing trends, which can then be analyzed and turned into a comprehensive article or a LinkedIn post sharing their unique perspective on these trends.

Regularly reviewing your saved posts helps in identifying recurring themes and trending topics. Pay attention to posts with high engagement and those shared by industry influencers. This practice not only keeps you informed but also provides you with a wealth of ideas for your own content. For example, if you notice a recurring discussion about the impact of artificial intelligence on your industry, you can write a detailed post or article offering your insights and predictions.

Following and saving posts from leading voices in your industry is another effective strategy. Curate their content to understand their perspectives and to share high-quality insights with your own audience. For instance, if an industry leader shares a groundbreaking study or an insightful article, you can save it, analyze it, and then share it with your network along with your commentary and insights.

Saved posts can inspire your original content. Use the ideas and discussions from these posts as a foundation for your articles, videos, or LinkedIn updates. Add your unique perspective to create valuable content. For example, if you come across a post discussing a new technology, you can write an article exploring its potential impact on your industry, backed by your own research and insights.

When sharing curated content, add your commentary and insights. Explain why the content is important and how it relates to your audience. This approach demonstrates your expertise and adds value beyond merely resharing. For instance, if you share an article about a new market trend, include your thoughts on how businesses can leverage this trend to their advantage.

Developing a Thought Leadership Content Strategy

A successful thought leadership presence on LinkedIn requires a well-planned content strategy. Here's how to develop one using Saved Posts and curation tools:

Setting Clear Goals and Objectives

Define what you want to achieve with your thought leadership. Whether it's building your personal brand, influencing industry conversations, or attracting new opportunities, having clear goals will guide your content strategy. For instance, if your goal is to become a recognized expert in digital marketing, your content strategy should focus on sharing valuable insights, tips, and case studies related to digital marketing.

Creating a Content Calendar

Plan your content in advance with a content calendar. Balance curated and original content, and ensure consistency and variety. Regularly update your calendar based on industry trends and audience engagement. For example, you could plan to share a mix of curated articles, original posts, and LinkedIn videos, ensuring you provide a diverse range of content to your audience.

Establishing Your Unique Voice

Develop a distinctive perspective that sets you apart. Craft your personal brand narrative and consistently convey your unique voice in all your content. For instance, if you're known for your innovative ideas and forward-thinking approach, ensure this is reflected in your content, whether it's through bold predictions, thought-provoking questions, or insightful analyses.

Leveraging Saved Content for Ideation

Use your curated posts as writing prompts and identify gaps in existing conversations. This approach helps you create content that addresses unmet needs and provides fresh insights. For example, if you notice that most discussions on a particular topic focus on its benefits, you could write an article exploring its potential drawbacks and how to mitigate them.

Engaging with Your Network

Active engagement is crucial for building thought leadership. Comment on saved posts, participate in discussions, and build relationships with other thought leaders. This interaction enhances your visibility and credibility. For instance, if you come across a post from an industry leader that resonates with you, leave a thoughtful comment sharing your perspective and engage in the ensuing discussion.

Best Practices for Sharing Curated Content

Sharing curated content effectively requires more than just resharing posts. Here are some best practices:

Add Value with Commentary

When sharing curated content, include your insights and analysis. Explain why the content is relevant and how it benefits your audience. For instance, if you share an article about a new industry trend, provide your take on its implications and how businesses can adapt to it.

Maintain a Balance

Balance curated content with original content. While curation is valuable, your audience also wants to hear your unique perspectives. For example, you could share a curated article followed by a post detailing your personal experiences related to the topic.

Attribute Properly

Always attribute the original source when sharing curated content. Give credit to the authors and respect intellectual property rights. This not only shows respect for the original creators but also builds your reputation as a trustworthy thought leader.

Engage with Your Audience

Encourage discussions and engage with your audience when sharing curated content. Respond to comments and foster a sense of community. For instance, you could ask your audience for their thoughts on the curated content and initiate a discussion around it.

Measuring Your Thought Leadership Impact

To gauge the effectiveness of your thought leadership strategy, track key metrics and adjust your approach as needed.

Key Metrics to Track

- Engagement: Monitor likes, comments, and shares on your posts. High engagement indicates that your content resonates with your audience.

- Follower Growth: Track the increase in your followers over time. A steady increase suggests that you're successfully attracting and retaining an audience.

- Content Performance: Analyze which types of content resonate most with your audience. This can help you refine your content strategy.

- Network Expansion: Measure the growth of your professional connections. A growing network indicates that you're effectively building relationships within your industry.

Analyzing and Adjusting Your Strategy

Regularly review your metrics and adjust your strategy based on the insights gained. Experiment with different types of content and engagement tactics to see what works best. For instance, if you notice that your video posts receive higher engagement than text posts, consider incorporating more videos into your content strategy.

Case Studies: Successful LinkedIn Thought Leaders

Learn from successful thought leaders on LinkedIn by analyzing their strategies and approaches.

Industry Influencers

Identify leading voices in your industry and study their content strategies. Note how they engage with their audience, the topics they cover, and their unique perspectives. For example, an industry influencer might regularly share in-depth analyses of market trends, coupled with engaging videos and interactive content.

Emerging Thought Leaders

Look at up-and-coming thought leaders who are gaining traction. Understand how they differentiate themselves and build their following. For instance, an emerging thought leader might focus on niche topics that are underrepresented in mainstream discussions, providing unique insights and attracting a dedicated audience.

Lessons Learned

Extract key lessons from these case studies and apply them to your own strategy. Adapt successful tactics to fit your unique voice and goals. For example, if you notice that successful thought leaders frequently engage with their audience through comments and discussions, make it a point to actively participate in conversations on your posts.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Building thought leadership on LinkedIn comes with its challenges. Here are some common obstacles and how to overcome them:


Maintaining a consistent posting schedule can be challenging. Use a content calendar and automation tools to ensure regular updates. For instance, you could set aside a specific time each week to plan and schedule your posts, ensuring a steady stream of content.


Engaging with your audience requires time and effort. Set aside dedicated time each day to respond to comments and participate in discussions. This not only helps in building relationships but also keeps you visible and relevant in your network.

Staying Relevant

Keeping up with industry trends and discussions is crucial. Use LinkedIn Saved Posts and curation tools to stay informed and share timely insights. For example, subscribe to industry newsletters, join relevant LinkedIn groups, and follow key influencers to stay updated on the latest developments.

Future Trends in LinkedIn Thought Leadership

Stay ahead of the curve by anticipating future trends in LinkedIn thought leadership.

Video Content

Video is becoming increasingly popular on LinkedIn. Incorporate video content into your strategy to enhance engagement and showcase your expertise. For instance, you could create short, informative videos sharing your insights on industry trends or demonstrating your expertise in a specific area.

Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as polls and live Q&A sessions, fosters deeper engagement. Experiment with these formats to connect with your audience in new ways. For example, you could host a live Q&A session on LinkedIn, inviting your audience to ask questions and engage in real-time discussions.

AI and Automation

Leverage AI and automation tools to streamline content curation and distribution. These technologies can help you maintain consistency and reach a wider audience. For instance, use AI-powered tools to discover trending topics, schedule posts, and analyze engagement metrics.

Personalized Content

Personalization is key to standing out. Tailor your content to address the specific needs and interests of your audience. For example, segment your audience based on their interests and create targeted content that speaks directly to each segment's unique challenges and goals.


By following these strategies and best practices, you can effectively build and maintain a thought leadership presence on LinkedIn. Leveraging LinkedIn Saved Posts and content curation tools will help you stay informed, inspire your content creation, and engage meaningfully with your audience, ultimately positioning you as a go-to authority in your industry.

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