How to download Twitter bookmarks

Downloading Twitter bookmarks should be native but it isn't

May 7, 2023By dewey.
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Twitter bookmarks provide a convenient way to save and privately store the tweets that you find interesting or want to revisit later.

However, you may want to download your saved bookmarks for various reasons, such as creating a backup or exporting them to another platform. Unfortunately, Twitter does not offer a direct download option for bookmarks, but there's a simple workaround you can use to achieve this.

In this article, we'll show you how to download your saved Twitter bookmarks with ease.

To download your saved Twitter bookmarks, follow these steps:

  1. Access your Twitter bookmarks: Log in to your Twitter account and navigate to your bookmarks by clicking on the "Bookmarks" option in the side menu (desktop) or under the three horizontal lines (mobile app).
  2. Copy the links: Scroll through your bookmark list, and for each tweet, click on the tweet to expand it, then click on the timestamp (e.g., "2h" or "May 3") to open the tweet's unique URL. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar.
  3. Create a document: Open a text editor or word processor, and paste each URL on a separate line or create a list. Make sure to save the document with a meaningful name, such as "Twitter Bookmarks Backup".

If that feels like a lot, we recommend to use a third-party tool like dewey.

At dewey. we believe user data belongs to the user. That includes saved content, i.e. bookmarks.

Dewey. makes it easy to automatically download your Twitter bookmarks, export to your computer, export to PDF, and sync to tools like notion.